Geek Shock 66 - Robot In Jail
Geek Shock is back firing on all cylinders...even if those cylinders are stting in jail...telling the wrong time. Topics this week include the Leisure Publishing implosion, mafia (and journalism) problems of Atwater California, Hack is Wack, Journey to the Center of the Island, not a Night's Devil, Duke(?), Dream invades TV, nerd poker, Fcc f's U, Battlestar Hogwarts, respect given to the Dead, Molder Kombat, how to be Superior, we lost another funny guy, BAR2D2, Gears of Charity, did you feel that breeze, and Kinect ho-hum. That and new special guest (god help us). Big List: 15 new things we learned about Rockband 3 from PAX. Oh, and yes Deb, Barry ate a salad for dinner.