Couchcast 59 - Stupid Gets A Kick
Created from a lab discovered in a basement under our villa, this week's Couchcast gives a 1,2,5 punch to the solar-powered plexus. It all starts off with the horrible TV shows we still wanna see on DVD. We only think they're great because we haven't seen them in years. From there we go on to talk about Comic-Con, Batman Engrish, the madness of King Lee, The madness of fool Phelps, Y the last bathhouse, 8 minutes(!), Darth Vader gets kicked out of the 501st, Bruce Banner gets kicked out of the Hulk, Pekar gets kicked out of life, Tron cares about it's script, Robocop vs. Dexter, D23's film festival, James Cameron's cash festival, Kevin's bacon powers, when we get to walk on the Boardwalk Empire, zombiewalk...out of a wrecked car, play MMO and win a sex doll, when I think games-I think Macy's, the FCC's fking decision, and Deadpool gets maxed out. So, join the Whiz Kids on the Phoenix as the Voyagers head to the Saturday Supercade... you Manimal, you. BIg List: 4 slowly occurring annoyances experienced by gamers