CouchCast 50: Geek Scouts
CouchCast 50 explodes with the fury of a thousand angry suns! Daverator joins the boys on the couch as we discuss Free Comic Book day, Star Wars Day (May the 4th be with you), Star Wars Jib Jab, URLs registered by Disney for upcoming stage shows and musicals, The Dark Tower movie, White Castle candles, Commando remake, Batman 3, TomTom Darth Vader voice, X-Men: First Class, Mike Leyde, Bejeweled 2, Power of the Dark Crystal 3D, J.J. Abrams new movie, Cloverfield, William Shatner makes millions from, Incognito, Leonardo da Vinci and the Soldiers of Forever, comic book crime foiled by spider-man, the flash and two jedi, arizona state senate bill SB 1307, human-animal hybrids, boy scouts video game education, geek scouts, dear mumm-ra, and the big list: top ten unusual festivals.