Ep.153 – Should I say something?
Let’s say you’ve got a friend who is dating someone you think is bad for them. Maybe they give you a bad vibe, maybe they treat your friend poorly, or maybe their relationship just seems toxic. Should you say something? We were wondering the same thing. In this episode, Polyam Gal Seeks (@Polygalseeks on Twitter) and Demetrius (@DemetriusSays on Twitter) ask “Should I say something if my friend is in a terrible relationship?”. What if they just rub you wrong way? What if you think they’re controlling? Are you willing to make a point and potentially risk a friendship? Listen for our answers. If you liked this episode, subscribe on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and Google Play Music or wherever you get your podcasts from. You can support the podcast on Anchor at anchor.fm/demetrius/support and Patreon at patreon.com/amightylove. Thank you for listening and Good Luck Out There. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/demetrius/support