Ep.152 - Why can't we be friends?
It’s been 30 years since the film “When Harry Met Sally” asked “Can men and women ever just be friends?”, and we wanted to chime in. Inspired by a reader question, and the seminal film, we wanted to answer the question, with a more holistic approach to the answer. In this episode, Polyam Gal Seeks (@Polygalseeks on Twitter) and Demetrius (@DemetriusSays on Twitter) tackle the spirit of the question, but update the question to better reflect the world today. Relationships between men and women are only one type of relationship out there, so maybe a better question would be “Can people who’ve dated go back to being just friends?” or “Can people who are attracted to each other ever be just friends?”. If you liked this episode, subscribe on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and Google Play Music or wherever you get your podcasts from. You can support the podcast on Anchor at anchor.fm/demetrius/support and Patreon at patreon.com/amightylove. Thank you for listening and Good Luck Out There. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/demetrius/support