4: Gut Truths and Sex Drivers

Have you ever thought about Healing Your Libido Through Your Gut Health? Probably not…it's a completely NEW hot off the press scientifically proven FACT that our gut has more to do with what we do, how we do and WHO we do (wink wink) than probably everything we've been told mattered most, as it relates to sex, sex drive and sex hormones…combined! Kiran Krishnan, microbiologist, microbiome researcher and modern day Hippocrates gets your gut goin' with this interview and his TAKE home points that start with a Sexy belly, from the inside out! Learn how your digestive system is affecting your desire for sex, ability to rise to the occasion,  ability to connect and reach cosmic climax. Kiran tells how YOU can reclaim your health and hormones. In this episode you'll discover: What does our gut (microbiome) have to do with our sex life? How can we heal our gut to improve our sex drive, arousal, and orgasm? Why should we be taking probiotics for sexual health, mood and sex hormone balance? Learn how a sexy diet affects our intimacy in the bedroom. GOOD SEX a ROCKIN SEX HORMONES STARTS WITH THIS… A SEXY BELLY…made possible by KICK ASS gut Health…fueled by SPORE BASED PROBIOTICS. We believe in Megaspore SO MUCH we're GIVING YOU $5 to try it to see for yourself.Use ‘sexmatters5' to get $5 off Megaspore for the first 50 Lovers ONLY Explore Megaspore for Sex Health   To the Point - What's in it for ME? MEN on Spore Based Probiotics Imagine you’re making out with somebody, you’re getting into the heat of the moment. But then your mind starts running in all these different areas. You start worrying about—if you’re a guy, you might start worrying about, “Oh, my god. What if I can’t get it up? She’s so hot. I’m totally into this, but what if I can’t get it up?” or, “I have this other thing to do,” or, “Is this the right thing? Should I be doing this?” You’re thinking about work, or you’re thinking about something else. WANT MORE? Connect with your body + access your inner sex kitten: https://sexloveyoga.mykajabi.com/skf Check out SexLoveYoga.com for more juicy articles, guides, erotic audio stories, + more! Want to work with me through group coaching? Sign up to be a part of CREATE with world class facilitators including Dr Cat teaching In.body Sexploration. Use discount code: DRCAT https://thecreatecommunity.com/pages/premium-classes --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/eatplaysex/message

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