85. Resus Wins, Losses, and the Professional's Mindset
What does it mean to act like a true professional? I’m not sure it’s been fully fleshed out in medicine but I’ve met those who are exemplars of it. This pod is a conversation with my partner in hundreds of critical resuscitations, Ben Peery, MD. We talk about wins, losses, lessons learned and, even more than that, I get to introduce you to someone who, for me, was a role model in how to carry yourself as a physician.
Guest Bio: Ben Peery, MD is a 20 year veteran of the emergency department, spending the bulk of that time working in a rural hospital. A former SWAT team member and tactical medicine expert, he is now host of The Grit Podcast with Ben Peery that you can find on Spotify, iTunes, and all the rest. Ben’s show is conversations “with colleagues in medicine, law enforcement, EMS and anyone else who has been in the sh*t. By sharing stories and insights we hope to offload mental trauma.”
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