Staying Tenacious & Owning Your Life - Episode 1874
: Episode 1874 - On this Monday show, Anna Vocino and Vinnie Tortorich talk PCC's healthy decaf, Lent sacrifices, staying tenacious, owning your life, weight management, CICO BS, and more. Https:// PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS PCC'S HEALTHY DECAF One of Anna's own, her father-in-law Dr. Al Tarquinio, joins the two to talk about this lifestyle. Al just learned the benefits of the Swiss water process for decaf. He doesn't drink normal coffee - he's hyper enough! Now, he'll be ordering this PCC decaf instead of visiting Starbucks. It's healthier and cheaper! Coffee is good for you -- even for your liver! STAYING TENACIOUS Al beat thyroid cancer. Through it all, he continued teaching. He never missed a class! Sniffles certainly aren't an excuse. He's 80, and he plans to keep teaching! If you enjoy it, keep going. Stay tenacious -- move with life as it changes and evolves. It's the same for weight loss: you have to be interested in being healthy and chase that continuously. You can't fool around into health. WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE FAT DOC 2 IS AVAILABLE ON iTUNES and AMAZON Please also share it with family and friends! Buy it and watch it now on iTunes to get it to the top of the charts. We need it to get big for people to see it. Here's the (BLUERAY, DVD, PRIME) (MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE YET ACROSS THE POND). And the And the [the_ad id="17480"] PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO REVIEW the film AFTER YOU WATCH! FAT DOC 1 IS ALSO OUT Go watch it now! We need people to buy and review for it to stay at the top of iTunes pages. Available for both rental and purchase. You can also buy hardcopy or watch online at Amazon. YOU CAN NOW STREAM FOR FREE ON AMAZON PRIME IF YOU HAVE IT! RESOURCES Https:// Https:// Https:// Https:// Https:// Https://