The Slow WIP (aka a Work in Progress podcast)
When is a hostful not actually a hostful? When it's a WIP! (Otherwise known as a Work In Progress). In this episode Brooke and Ben talk about the one thing they do every week which allows them to work together, be productive and actually like each other at the end of (almost) every day. Their Monday morning WIP is the cornerstone of their working week and in today's poggie they look at how it works and the structure it takes now that they're 18 months into the self-employment adventure. They also use this as a springboard to discuss the bigger issue of living a less-than-slow life right now, and how they find balance between building a business and maintaining a certain level of slow-ness in home and family life. It's not an easy one to strike and Brooke admits to the toll it can take when advocating for slow while not being able to live it. But on the flipside, she also talks about how she's turned that from a guilt-ridden experience to one of learning and a deeper understanding of what the mindset of slow living looks like - even when it's not slow-paced. Ben and Brooke also talk about some of the changes they're currently making in their work and how they imagine it's going to impact the podcast and the ways in which they can help people live a slower, simpler life themselves. This is very much a Work In Progress poggie, with plenty of honesty from all corners. Enjoy! And thanks to today's sponsor - Pocketbook. To download the free Pocketbook app and take control of your finances today, head to ==== If you're enjoying the show and want to know how to best support it, leave a rating or a review in iTunes or head over to the Patreon page to help support the show financially. And thanks so much for listening! ==== Support the show: See for privacy information.