How to take time off as a self employed person, slow food and dealing with clutter intolerance.
Since launching the podcast almost two years ago the hostful QaAs have grown to be one of the most popular each month. Not only does it give you the chance to ask us questions about slowing down, or getting us to dig deeper in to a topic we’ve covered before, but it also gives Brooke and Ben a chance to explore ideas or perspectives they’ve not considered before. Today is the first hostful QaA of the year and, as always, there are incredibly insightful questions to answer: Do you find you are more sensitive to others people’s cluttered homes now you have simplified yourself? Any tips for dealing with clutter intolerance in other people's homes and even our own homes at times? As I search for my first job after college, I'm noticing most companies lack a work-life balance. Taking care of myself and living a slow life is important to me. Do you have any advice about maintaining a slow living value while searching for a job in a world that operates at a very high speed? Does slow living apply to how you eat? Do you eat simple meals? Any tips? I own my own business and your vacation sounded so relaxing. How do you just unplug or set those boundaries to spend time with family without thinking if someone needs something with your business? I love the sound of your holiday in Japan, and my husband and kids would have an absolute ball. I'd love a lot of it too, but I'd end up spending most of it alone as I have adrenal fatigue. How would you approach this challenge? My ideal holiday right now would involve long, lazy days and plenty of rest, but the kids (7,10 a 11) would be bored silly. How do you think we could find adventurous and fun ways to spend time together that suit all of us? Brooke and Ben had a lot of fun answering these, and it gave them the chance to talk through topics we’ve not really discussed on the poggie before. To everyone who submitted a question - thank you! Head over to for a full post and links on how to submit your own question for an upcoming hostful episode. ==== If you're enjoying the show and want to know how to best support it, leave a rating or a review in iTunes or head over to the Patreon page to help support the show financially. And thanks so much for listening! ==== Support the show: See for privacy information.