Episode 80: [QUICKIE] How I Got Off 10/28 - 11/3/19
Masturbated once and only once — no porn, no partner sex, no other anything but rage for the remainder of the week. Why am I so angry? That’s exactly my question, WHY? There are some details relating to my sobriety and the work of recovery; things perhaps difficult for anyone outside of the 12-step space to identify with but affecting all the same. It’s personal inventory time once again and as such a lot of scabbed over and still fresh wounds are poked and prodded and generally painful. Aside from those specifics, rage is human, common, normal… I’m not ashamed but I am uncomfortable. I do my best to breathe through it, to envision the best for those I would rather be cursing out, I take positive actions instead of wallowing in my misery. Still, the rage will leave me when it’s meant to; surely it is serving some purpose though I’ll be damned if I can ever tell while it’s happening. Anyway! Motivation to masturbate the madness away no? *** Here’s that orgy article I mentioned ( https://www.graphicpaint.com/blog/2019/10/14/attending-first-orgy-sober ) ; it details my experience told through the lens of sobriety. Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/sex-communication/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy a Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy