015 Clarifying Vision_ Treating degenerative eye disease with acupuncture • Mats Sexton
According to conventional medicine, macular degeneration is a progressive, incurable, degenerative disease. As good as modern medicine can be for some opthamological problems, it does not have much to offer those with macular degeneration other than say "take your vitamins and await the inevitable." While macular degeneration is indeed progressive, it's progress can be slowed and in many people some amount of function restored. Not only macular degeneration, but Stargardt's disease, retinitis pigmentosa and other eyes conditions can improve through the use of acupuncture using particular points on the palms and soles. Our guest in this show is fired up about helping prevent people from going blind. Listen in as we discuss how acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help to make a big difference in the quality of life for people with degenerative opthamological conditions. Head on over to the https://qiological.com/macular-degeneration/ (show notes page for more information) about this episode and for links to the resources discussed in the interview.