1. In the last 24 hours, India reports 45,951 new cases of COVID-19. The daily positivity rate remains under 5 per cent for the 23rd day. 2. Bodies of five members of a family who had gone missing over a month ago were exhumed from a field in Madhya Pradesh's Dewas district in Dewas. All five were strangled to death and were dumped in a 8 to 10 feet deep pit that was dug in advance. 3. Twitter says it has a "zero tolerance policy for child sexual exploitation" and has incorporated special tools to detect and remove content linked to child pornography and the accounts linked to it. In response "to Delhi Police queries the online platform also says "viewing, sharing, or linking to child sexual exploitation (CSE) material, regardless of the intent, contributes to the re-victimization of the depicted children and is prohibited on our service". 4. Families of COVID-19 victims must get financial compensation, the Supreme Court says, giving the NDMA, or National Disaster Management Authority, six weeks to decide on the amount and frame the required guidelines. 5. Bharat Biotech today emphatically denied any wrongdoing amid a huge controversy in Brazil over a USD 324 million contract for Covaxin shots, now suspended over allegations of irregularities that have singed the country's top leadership including President Jair Bolsanaro. In a statement, Bharat Biotech says it has followed a "step-by-step" approach towards contracts and regulatory approvals with Brazil. 6. Brazil will suspend a USD 324 million Indian vaccine contract that has mired President Jair Bolsonaro in accusations of irregularities, the health minister said on Tuesday, following the guidance of the federal comptroller, the CGU. 7. Actor Mandira Bedi's filmmaker husband Raj Kaushal dies at the age of 49. 8. The unprecedented north-west heatwaves slams Oregon. 9. Russian health officials have approved the booster shots that people have been vaccinated against Covid-19 six months after their first immunization. The health minister says that the ministry has issued guidelines for those who contracted Covid to get vaccinated six months after they recover. 10. People in Venezuela are inoculated by Cuba locally produced vaccine against Covid-19.