HoS 010: Imogen - It’s About Baby Steps (And Not Overnight Success), The Most Important Thing Is... Happiness | Home Of Sound
Does success come overnight and perhaps after one single turning point? Most likely not and Imogen - who is now also resident of Fabric London - tells us how it’s actually more about making baby steps consistently toward what you love. With her we chat about the dj’s and promoter’s career and about being kind and having good relationships with those you work with such as agents, promoters and all the staff in the club who make events happen. We also talk about imposter syndrome and how you may overcome it. And we discover Imogen's future ambitions to form her own crew and what's her secret agenda: happiness. -- Imogen Links https://soundcloud.com/imogensmusic https://www.instagram.com/imogenrd/ https://www.facebook.com/imogensmusic . Imogen’s Self Isolation playlist: on NTS and buy music club: https://soundcloud.com/imogensmusic/nts-self-isolation-home-listening-special https://buymusic.club/list/imogen-selfisolation-nts-home-listening-special -- Home Of Sound All latest links: https://linktr.ee/home_of_sound . Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc4ne-_8CEBLbCzluujEcEQ?sub_confirmation=1 Spotify playlists: https://open.spotify.com/user/w5cr2gkssqiituy7ue4d1k4o7 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/home_of_sound/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Home-Of-Sound-107669157311141/