#129: Adela Mizrachi - Take the Right Kinds of Risks
With today’s episode, we’re starting something new. On November 12, 2019, Harvard Business Press will be releasing a new version of my book Disrupt Yourself. As a countdown of sorts, we’re going to spend the next seven episodes focusing on the seven-point framework of personal disruption. These seven accelerants help you manage through – even embrace change - whether at work or at home. Today, we’ll be talking about accelerant one - taking the right risks. We covered this in-depth in episode 100, and we’ll link to that in the show notes, but in short, we take the right risks when we take on market risk instead of competitive risk and play where others aren’t playing. My guest today is a great example of a person taking on market risk - Adela Mizrachi, founder of the Podcast Brunch Club. Links and free resource available at https://whitneyjohnson.com/129