2620 - Ending the Myth of Market Growth and Imagining a Post-Capitalism World w/ Tim Jackson
Sam hosts Tim Jackson, University of Surrey professor of sustainable development, and author of the book Post Growth: Life after Capitalism on what a world can look like after the fall of the free market and our incessant chase for endless growth. Professor Jackson traces his vision from his original work for the British Government, “Prosperity without Growth,” which outlines more of a policy and data-driven approach, to his recent work that seeks to paint a more accessible vision of a world that leaves behind the myth of endless growth and more effectively centers societal wants and needs. Jackson also contextualizes this pushback against rampant economic growth, with a focus on the failures of GDP, within greater mainstream history – from Robert Kennedy to Greta Thunberg – and explores the importance of redistribution and equity to social prosperity. They also touch on the more abstract elements, discussing the importance of recognizing and learning from natural limitations and how capitalism hinges on constant unhappiness, before Prof. Jackson, drawing from Hannah Arendt, explores how care work and the feeling of having contributed lasting impact on one’s community are central to his project. Sam rounds out the half by digging into the Five’s attempt to sidestep a discussion on the current failures of U.S. infrastructure by hitting on some classic culture war talking points.
And in the Fun Half: Sam and the crew cover the anything-but-fun reversal of Bill Cosby’s sexual assault case, Karun from India calls out Sam’s failure to properly address Black on Black crime statistics from the racial science perspective, and Nick from CT points out the contradictions in Fox’s attempt to prove that the issues are not with private infrastructure while they try to encourage more privatization of infrastructure. Ben Shapiro and the supposedly apathetic right apparently can’t stop caring about sexuality in sports, Joe Manchin’s voting bill is in complete disarray, Meghan McCain thinks we all deserve a POW father and love for our flag, and Sam reflects on the highs and lows of his early acting career, plus, your calls and IMs!
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