Health Science Vs. Woo-Woo Science & The Sexiest Research Ever
• Is Gwyneth Paltrow's "Goop Lab" show on Netflix legit or is it pseudoscience? We watched the whole thing and actually didn't hate it.
• Can you pass Chris's quiz on workout habits and trends? Hint: Yes, you can and you'll probably beat Dani's score.
• What crazy things are people thinking about between the sheets? Chris has the stats and some important information on the difference between fantasy and desire.
• What coffee drink are we kind of obsessed with? It's tiny, it's tasty, and it's perfect for a little afternoon pick-me-up.
• And what's the best way to get a good, deep stretch in your calves?
Listen and find out!
Got questions, comments, ideas, or feedback? Find us on social! Chris is most active on Twitter and Dani's most active on Instagram.