The First Civilians In Space Flight, The Dark Side Of Curcumin, Rice Bran Extract, Sea Buckthorn Oil, The Reason For Living Is Giving & Much More With Entrepreneur David Perez. Recently, on my San Diego trip during which I interviewed Navy SEAL Nick Norriss and hydration expert Tracy Duhs, I was introduced to a guy named David Perez, who is the Chief Executive Officer & Chairman of the Board at Nurish.Me
I immediately hit it off with David, because he and I were able to geek out hardcore on supplements and the supplements industry as a whole, along with a host of unique, fringe ingredients David has studied up on, and many other things David is up to and interested in, including space travel, global charities, nanotechnology and much more!
Over a career span of over 40 years, David Perez has founded highly successful entrepreneurial ventures, launched cutting edge, disruptive technologies, been at the forefront of innovation, financed startups, overcome personal tragedy, coordinated large scale natural disaster relief programs and rescue missions at ground zero. Today as the CEO of Nurish.Me, he is on a mission to deliver clinically proven nutraceuticals to enhance the vitality of people's mind and body. The vision of Nurish.Me combines the best evidenced-based nutrition and dietary supplement results from clinical trials in humans with an ethical approach to business practice. Nurish.Me formulations utilizes advances in biotechnology on the nanoscale for improved bioavailability.
During our discussion, you'll discover:
-How David got invited by Richard Branson to travel to space...7:35
-Harvesting minerals on the moon and planets to enhance our life here...13:45
-The tragic personal story that put David on the trajectory to his current endeavors...19:05
-How David discovered a miracle cure for pain in curcumin...31:30
-The difference between the curcumin David's company produces vs. other forms of curcumin...41:05
-How Nurish curcumin affected Ben's pain in his shoulder...51:20
-Curcumin a sledgehammer on human ailments...59:45
-Rice bran and other products that boost the brain...1:07:00
-Ingredients or superfoods David has discovered recently...1:17:00
-How to try Nurish risk-free...1:23:35
-And much more!
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