Q&A 426: Does Being Overweight Help You Live Longer? The Dark Side Of Fasting, The Latest On Caffeine & Exercise Performance, Ben's Pre-Workout Formula & Much More!
News Flashes – Follow Ben on Twitter for more…
- The latest on high-intensity interval training (HIIT) being "bad for you" and how to do HIIT vs. (high-intensity resistance training (HIRT)...01:00
- Topo Chico appears to have cleaned up its act. Hooray for all my tequila and lime that was piling up. Read about it...16:30
- Folks who excessively fast but can't seem to drop fat should be aware of this—don't long-term calorie restrict without re-feeds...23:20
Weight and Aging: A Paradox Part 1 by Josh Mitteldorf...29:45
- And here's Part 2
- The latest takeaway's from JAMA on caffeine and exercise performance—I WILL unpack this in a future podcast episode...40:45
Special Announcements...
-The Boundless Cookbook: Optimize your physical and mental performance with nutritious and delicious Greenfield family recipes. This is your roadmap to a culinary journey that includes ancient food and wild game preparation tactics, biohacked smoothies, meat rubs, cocktails, desserts, and beyond—without any restrictive diet, limited ingredients, or tasteless “health foods”! Pre-order yours today here! Check out Ben on Instagram for epic posts and photos about his morning, day, and evening routines, recipes, and much more! Follow Ben on Twitter for daily news flashes and the latest health, fitness, and anti-aging research. Join Ben's Facebook page for conversations with listeners and even more useful information, posts, and support!
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Listener Q&A:
Boosting nitric oxide...51:53
Neil asks: What are your go-to methods for boosting nitric oxide, and how do you increase blood flow before and during your workout?
Should you work out your legs every day?...1:01:00
Joey asks: Can you work out your legs every day like other parts of your body, like your abs?
When does fasting become unhealthy?...1:06:30
Ariam from Amsterdam asks: Are there benefits for fasting more than 72 hours, and is there a maximum amount of time before it begins to be unhealthy?
How much Carnivore Diet is too much?...1:12:30
Anna asks: I recently tried a 28-day Carnivore Diet challenge, and really struggled with it. I just couldn't handle the diet with some preexisting conditions with celiac and whatnot. I ended up losing 17 pounds before I finally had to stop. Did I do something wrong? Is there a better time frame I could go with the Carnivore Diet?