Ducks Vs. Chickens, Yaks Vs. Cows, Eating Locusts, Unique Permaculture Practices, Bible-Based Eating & More With Jordan Rubin.
A few months ago, I was having dinner with my friend Jordan Rubin and - between bits of my friend Andy Neale's MCT-infused-coconut milk-collagen-superfood ice cream - Jordan fascinated me with stories of the crazy animals and superfoods he now grows on his farm, all in a sustainable and regenerative way that could feed a lot of people with very low acreage requirement. So I just knew I had to get Jordan on the podcast to talk about his farm and his techniques.
After growing up in a health-focused household, Rubin attended Florida State University. But at age 19, a life-threatening case of Crohn’s disease struck. After losing 80 pounds, Rubin was just 104 pounds and ravaged by inflammation. (His doctors didn’t expect him to live much longer.) With conventional medicine utterly failing him, he turned to nutritional-based healing and began specifically studying Biblical references to nutritional health and lifestyle.
Making Bible-based diet adjustments, unlocking the power of fermented food and utilizing probiotic supplementation teeming with soil-based organisms, Rubin turned his health around and healed himself of Crohn’s disease in weeks. Fast forward years later to 1999, and he and his wife, Nicki, founded Garden of Life.
The company quickly grew into an award-winning, retail powerhouse nutrition company. Jordan is now one of America’s most-recognized and respected natural health experts, and is the New York Times bestselling author of The Maker’s Diet, and 26 additional titles, including his latest work, Essential Fasting. An eco-entrepreneur, author and lecturer on health and nutrition, Jordan has shared a message of health and hope across the globe for the last 22 years.
Jordan is the founder of Garden of Life, the leading whole food nutritional supplement company, and Beyond Organic, a vertically integrated organic food, beverage and dietary supplement manufacturer. Jordan has formulated hundreds of dietary supplements, functional foods and beverages including many #1 top sellers in the Healthy Foods channel.
In 2016, along with co-founder Dr. Josh Axe, Jordan launched Ancient Nutrition, a company that brings the principals of Ancient Nutrition to the Modern World. Jordan is the founder of Heal the Planet Farm, a regenerative permaculture retreat located in Missouri’s Ozark mountains within the four-thousand-acre Beyond Organic Ranch. Jordan and his beautiful wife Nicki are the parents of six wonderful children.
During this discussion, you'll discover:
-Why Jordan prefers to eat yak and water buffalo over cow...9:30
-Key differences in water buffalo milk from cow milk...15:00
-Why duck eggs over chicken eggs...21:00
-How these types of foods can be available to the masses...26:10
-Fun facts on raising ducks...31:30
-Pros and cons of camel milk...36:45
-Superfoods Jordan is raising on his farm in Tennessee...39:00
-Mixed species combined with rotational grazing...45:55
-Jordan's personal nutrition philosophy...55:25
-How perspectives on food consumption change with various epochs of time...1:01:30
-Resources for following what Jordan is up to...1:03:10
-And much more!
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