Real Death Toll?, Space Debris to Hit Earth a No Pants Day - Friday, May 7th, 2021
The news to know for Friday, May 7th, 2021! What to know about: what new analysis found about what could be the real COVID-19 death toll around the world the latest findings about COVID-19 vaccines for kids a piece of a rocket expected to hit Earth this weekend insects trained to sniff out COVID-19 how much Americans are spending on Mother's Day how one profession is using No Pants Day for a good cause Those stories and more in around 10 minutes! Head to or see sources below to read more about any of the stories mentioned today. This episode is brought to you by and Become a NewsWorthy INSIDER! Learn more at Sources: Study Estimates Real Covid Death Toll: Stat News, NPR, Seattle Times, Full Study Moderna Adolescents Vaccine Data: CNBC, CBS News, USA Today, Moderna Idaho Middle School Shooting: AP, CNN, NBC News, Reuters Rocket Part Falling Toward Earth: USA Today, WaPo, NY Times, Defense.Gov Could Bees Be Used to Detect COVID-19?: Business Insider, Reuters, Wageningen University Vax Live Concert Is Saturday: Variety, ABC7, Global Citizen, EW, Yahoo ‘See Us Unite’ Campaign: Axios, CBS News, Deadline, Asian American Foundation, CSUSB Twitter Testing a Tip Jar: The Verge, TechCrunch, Mashable, Twitter, Video Game Hall of Fame Inductees: AP, Engadget, Video Game HOF, People, USA Today Americans’ Mother’s Day Spending: Fox Business, Today, NRF, Census Ideas for Last-Minute Gifts: CNN, NY Post, Wired Feel Good Friday: Comic’s 'No Pants Day' For a Cause: AP, ScreenRant