Weekend Impeachment Vote?, Bracing for a Blizzard a Valentine’s Day- Friday, February 12th, 2021
The news to know for Friday, February 12th, 2021! What to know about: the final arguments from Democrats as they wrapped up their case in the impeachment trial what's expected from Trump's defense team today how another type of Republican party is possible where a year's worth of snow is forecasted for this weekend the ruling in Meghan Markle's lawsuit against a tabloid which sport has become especially popular in the last year where Americans are planning to spend their money this Valentines Day Those stories and more in around 10 minutes! Head to www.theNewsWorthy.com or see sources below to read more about any of the stories mentioned today. This episode is brought to you by NativeDeo.com/newsworthy and MunkPack.com (Listen for the discount code) Become a NewsWorthy INSIDER! Learn more at www.TheNewsWorthy.com/insider Sources: Impeachment Prosecutors Wrap Up: Politico, AP, NY Times, WSJ Officers Receiving Congressional Gold Medals: NY Times, The Hill, FOX News, Speaker.Gov Republicans Could Form Another Party: Reuters, CNN, FOX News Fauci Vaccine Estimates: Today, LA Times, NY Times Latest Winter Storm: CNN, Accuweather, Weather Channel, NWS Most Distant Object in Solar System: CBS News, Space.com, NAU Meghan Markle Wins Lawsuit Against Tabloid: NY Times, AP, WaPo Disney+ Smashes Subscriber Goal: The Verge, Hollywood Reporter, AP Tennis Participation Up: AP, USA Today, USTA Valentine’s Day is Sunday: Fox Business, CNBC, Lending Tree, RetailMeNot, NRF Feel Good Friday- Opera Singers Helping Long-Covid Patients: CNN, Classic FM, ENO