Gretchen & Slade’s Tough Week
In this episode, Gretchen and Slade pay tribute to their beloved dog Vito as they mourn his loss and say goodbye. It’s an emotional time as Gretchen looks back on the good times she shared with their 18-year-old furry family member and how he helped her get through some of the biggest moments in her life over the years. Vito is now reunited with their dog Rocco and they share heartwarming stories of how their spirit lives on. They reflect on life and the tough week they had in their household, including Slade’s family emergencies and the scary moment Gretchen jumped in the pool to save Skylar’s life. They also weigh in on the disturbing news of human trafficking and discuss what every parent needs to know. Gretchen Rossi Instagram @gretchenrossi Slade Smiley Instagram @sladesmiley Stage 29 Podcasts Instagram Stage 29 Podcasts Twitter Stage 29 Podcasts Facebook Learn more about your ad choices. Visit