Reservation in Promotion
Leesama Joseph was appointed in 1996 to the post of Typist/clerk in the Police Department on compassionate grounds, after her brother had passed away during service. She undisputedly suffered from Post Polio Residual Paralysis (L) Lower Limb and her permanent disability had been assessed at 55%. Leesama was promoted to the position of Upper Division Clerk and Cashier, but she initiated a litigation claiming that she was entitled to reservation in promotion on account of her disability, and therefore should get her benefits from a back date, i.e. the date she became entitled for promotion.
The Kerala Administrative Tribunal declined her plea but the High Court decided in her favour.
Tune is as we see how the Supreme Court interpreted Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995. We also explore if a legislative provision can become a fetter for implementation of the same legislation? Why is it so difficult to bring about a societal change, and how should a statute be interpreted to give out its most comprehensive meaning.
Case Number: CIVIL APPEAL NO. 59 OF 2021
Court: Supreme Court of India
Citation: LNIND 2021 SC 181
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