For a free 7 Day Natural Bodybuilding prep course go to: https://members.healthmastery.co/optin1592314349648 For 1:1 Bodybuilding coaching: www.Healthmastery.co My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adammc192/ Cody's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drcodyhaun Cody's Website: www.lab.fitness Weightology Research Review: https://weightology.net/become-a-member-of-the-weightology-research-review/ 01:40 Introduction to Cody 08:10 What is sarcoplasm and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy? 14:50 Cody’s research indicating sarcoplasmic hypertrophy 21:38 Should training variables be changed to maximise all avenues of hypertrophy? 40:15 Why is failure different from person to person? 44:00 Should you training with lower reps when glycogen depleted? 53:50 Why isn’t HIIT inferior to LISS for fatloss 01:09:40 Where can people find more about Cody?