Steve Thomson: Happy Life Wood
Steve Thomson: Happy Life Wood
Welcome to a brand new episode of the Woodpreneur Podcast. Today your host Steve Larosiliere sits down with Steve Thomson from Happy Life Wood. Larosiliere and Thomson connected almost two years ago when Thomson purchased a Woodpreneur sweatshirt. It was then that Thomson was able to show off the incredibly unique work that he does with Happy Life Wood.
“Yeah, I do a form of intarsia, where I take different species of wood, and basically utilize them in a fashion that replicates a photograph or an object. So I take pieces of different species of wood, I glue them all together, and build what I call a foundation. Then I sculpt and carve it.
That's really the basics at its root of intarsia, but if you look at Tarja, and you look at my process, there are some subtle differences. The end result is quite a bit different because I end up with something that's a little bit more realistic than your typical intarsia. They tend to just round over the edges and put it together like a puzzle, whereas I get them all together, and then I sculpt the whole thing as one unit.”
- Steve Thomson