08 El seseo
Webpage: https://learnspanishbeginner.com My lessons: https://learnspanishbeginner.com/lessons-prices/ Email: info@learnspanishbeginner.com TRANSCRIPTION: https://learnspanishbeginner.com/el-seseo-ep-8/ Sssssss.....ssssssss....sabesssss... que es.... el ssseeeseeoo?? Do you know what's seseo? Phonologic variation in Spanish in which the sound C sounds S. This is something that happen in some parts of Spain, such in some areas of Andalucías or Canary Islands, and of couse, is something generalized in America. Instead of saying CANCION (song)... seseo speakers say CANSION. Instead of saying CAZAR (to hunt) they sey CASAR (something that sounds like to get married). You will say that it's easy to be a seseante speaker. But the "s" of seseante spekar and the "s" of not seseante speaker are different. The S of a not seseante speaker is called apicoalveolar and it's pronunced with the top of your tongue close to your teeth. By the contraste, the seseantes speakers and the "predorsal" s that it's pronunced with the back of the tongue. Escucha el ejemplo For example, YES SIR, if you are not seseante, it would be: And if you ar seseante, it would be And now, la pregunta clave (the key question): which one is better. Both. To be or not to be seseant is not a phonologic mistake, just a phonologic variation. My only recommendation is, my dear beginner, that you choose from which of this two variations you want to begin to learn Spanish, but, once, you have decided... don't mix them! ¡No las mezcles!