Episode 4: The long and winding road to accessibility
With the new EU disability agenda in the pipeline, in episode 4, "The long and winding road to accessibility", we discuss the employment situation of people with disabilities. We talk about what the EU should do to make its workplaces more inclusive – not only in the physical world but also in the collective mindset of a society that almost inevitably fails to see the person other than through their disability. Frank Sioen and Alba Gonzalez, both persons with disabilities, tell us about the hurdles and obstacles they had to overcome to get and keep a job. Mark Priestley, professor of Disability Policy at the University of Leeds, explains how the right of people with disabilities to work has evolved in European laws and policies over recent decades. And EESC member Yannis Vardakastanis discusses what practical measures the EU's disability strategy for the coming decade should contain to make accessibility a reality in Europe. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.