WHY Your Mindset Matters and Dealing With Negative Vibes!
Earlier this week, I had my first experience of negative vibes as an entrepreneur. Did I feel hurt? Yes. Was I surprised? Yes. The thing is, we all suffer from haters at some point or another and as much as you try to prepare yourself, you never really know how you're going to react. Today I'm sharing with you my top tips for combatting bad vibes and I highlight precisely WHY your MINDSET MATTERS! Lastly, if you are or have been a victim of negativity, then know this: You are Loved You are PROTECTED You are ENOUGH Use your emotions to fuel the fire in your belly and NOT to extinguish it! Lastly, don't forget to connect with Maggie here: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_luxe_elixir/ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/groups/336601143462098/ Website: http://www.luxe-elixir.com