Our Students Feel It Too: A Practical Guide to Creating a Calm Climate for Learning During Very Stressful Times
A calm classroom with students on task is what we all want. In this discussion, two teachers, two psychologists, and a school superintendent unanimously agree that current events outside of the classroom are impacting our ability to reach and teach our students. What follows is a refreshingly honest and insightful discussion about what it takes to create a calm climate for learning during exceptionally stressful times. The result is a practical guide for every educator and school leader.
Follow on Twitter: @LDamour @pfagell @JYooBrannon @KFelicello @Jonharper70bd @bamradionetwork
Dr. Lisa Damour is recognized as a thought leader by the American Psychological Association, and writes about teenagers for
the New York Times, appears as a regular contributor to CBS News, and works in collaboration with UNICEF. She is the author of two New York Times best sellers, Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions into Adulthood and Under Pressure: Confronting the Epidemic of Stress and Anxiety in Girls. Dr. Damour graduated with honors from Yale University and worked for the Yale Child Study Center before earning her doctorate in Clinical Psychology at the University of Michigan.
drlisadamour.com. Dr. Damour co-hosts the Ask Lisa podcast,.
Dr. Kris Felicello has been in the field of education for over 25 years as a Teacher, Coach, Athletic Director, Assistant Principal, Principal, and Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, and he is currently the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services in the North Rockland Central School District in Rockland County, New York. Kris obtained his Doctor of Education degree in Educational Leadership from St. John’s University in 2011.
Phyllis L. Fagell, LCPC is the school counselor at Sheridan School in Washington, D.C. and a therapist at The Chrysalis Group. Phyllis frequently writes columns on counseling, parenting and education for The Washington Post, and she’s the author of Middle School Matters (Hachette, 2019). Phyllis blogs at phyllisfagell.com.
Jennifer Yoo-Brannon is a teacher and instructional coach in El Monte, California, with over 16 years of experience teaching high school students, mentoring teachers, and designing and facilitating professional learning. Jennifer’s passions include: building collective teacher efficacy, designing meaningful professional learning, and fostering emotional resilience among all educators. She is an Edsurge Voices of Change Writing Fellow and has written for Edsurge and The California Educator.