2020 in the Rearview Mirror
Feels good saying it’s behind us, doesn’t it? What started as a normal year filled with fresh resolutions and new aspirations slowly took a strange turn into an unknown trajectory. When we concluded our [live podcast session with HE Zaki Nusseibeh](https://thelighthouse.ae/podcast/zaki-nusseibeh-chronicles-his-personal-journey-with-art-the-importance-of-storytelling-in-building-identities/) late in February 2020, we didn’t know that weeks later we would close shop to prepare for quarantine. But we were determined to keep The Lighthouse Conversations going and, like many podcasts, we invited our guests to join via online recordings. Our first post-lockdown session back in the studio with [Amira Rashad](https://thelighthouse.ae/podcast/you-are-not-investing-in-my-husband-you-are-investing-in-me-bulkwhiz-founder-amira-rashad/) (Founder of Bulkwhiz) gave us feeling that a sense of normalcy might be upon us despite the masks and physical distancing. Tune in as host Hashem Montasser and producer Chirag Desai recall some of their favorite highlights of 2020's The Lighthouse Conversations, including how being vulnerable took a whole new meaning in 2020 and why food and memory are intertwined in many, sometimes unexpected, ways.