005 - How do Air Force officers get promoted?
Shifting gears from the process of becoming an Air Force officer, Colin and Reed now take a deep dive into how they get promoted. Whether preparing for an upcoming board or a brand new 2d Lt, this information is critical as you define what it means for you to be successful.
01:47 - Colin and Reed emphasize the importance of defining career success
08:03 - Defining position and authority within the Air Force
14:46 - DOPMA and ROPMA govern the promotion process (see http://dopma-ropma.rand.org)
17:51 - The harsh realities of the up or out system
22:09 - Why should a 2d Lt care about this stuff?
26:41 - Promotion zones and categories
30:49 - The board process and Record of Performance (ROP)
39:18 - This is a hot topic and may all change soon
41:29 - The unwritten rules of promotions; masters degrees, stratification, proximity to senior raters, timing, etc.
58:56 - HPO or High Potential Officer system
01:07:43 - Reed and Colin define career success
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