Ahimsa as an Ethical Framework for Dealing with Difficult Situations w/ Anna Ferguson Robas
Mado and Anna have a conversation about how to make ethics from the yamas and niyamas a part of your daily yoga practice.
- Ethics are the foundation of a stable & consistent yoga practice.
- Reframing Ethics:
- Reframing the Yamas/Niyamas can lead to deeper understanding.
- Yamas/Niyamas are key to mental health.
- Ethical frameworks bring empowerment.
- Ethics of Yoga over a Lifetime of Practice:
- Our understanding and application of ethics changes over time.
- Deepening our understand of ethics can guide us through uncertain times.
- The practice of welcoming states of confusion as opportunities can be very helpful in moving through them.
- “Grow through what we go through.”
- A clear understanding of ethics is the key to opening the door to greater happiness through clear comprehension.
- Compassion is Key:
- Compassion practice is Ahimsa, or non-violence.
- As we grow, we can suffer from harsh self-criticism and criticism from and for others.
- Self Compassion and Compassion towards others are equally as important as you begin the practice of yoga.
- As we begin to practice, we integrate all the parts of ourselves, and a strong guiding framework is key to lead us through the times we lose our way.
Personal Reflection Questions:
- How do I practice ethical standards in my life?
- How has ethics played a role in my teaching so far?
- Do I consciously practice compassion in my life?
Links and Resources
Refresher overview of the yamas and niyamas
Download for the extended version of Anna’s compassion meditation.