014: The Cutting Edge of Biohacking with Anthony DiClementi


Biohacker Anthony DiClementiOne man is on the cutting edge of biohacking: Anthony DiClementi. Anthony is an author, trainer, and biohacker who has been studying the human body for a lifetime. He has the vibrancy and the physique to prove it!

Plus he thinks differently than the average biohacker and that is one of the reasons I asked him to come on the show.

On this episode of Awesome Health, we are talking about how to get the greatest health benefits with least amount of work, some of the common mistakes people make when choosing a supplement, and what his average day looks like.

We're also talking about his book: Biohackers Guide to Upgraded Energy and Focus. Join us for that and more on episode 14 of BiOptimizers' Awesome Health!

In this episode of Awesome Health, you'll also hear:

  • How do we release the toxins from our brains, and what can happen if we don't?
  • Why are patent-eligible supplements almost always synthetic?
  • How do we know we've actually learned something?
  • And much more!
More About Awesome Health with Anthony DiClementi

As I mentioned earlier, Anthony has spent a lifetime studying health and wellness. He started caring about health and wellness when puberty hit because he realized girls liked guys with six-pack abs! Beyond that, he also played sports at a high level. At that point his knowledge was limited to eating whole foods and different ways of training (even yoga - which he taught). He did everything and tried everything, including eating like a caveman and exercising like a caveman, but it only took him so far.

By 2011 his energy was in the gutter. It was so bad he saw 11 or 12 doctors in a year. He visited endocrinologists and specialists of every other variety, but they all told him there was nothing wrong with him.

He realized it was on him to take responsibility and figure out what was going wrong with his body and find ways to fix it. So he started looking for answers in uncommon places, and he began exploring beyond the fields of nutrition and exercise.

Simple Biohacks Most People Overlook

That exploration led him to the emerging field of biohacking, a subject we dug into very deeply on today's episode.

In particular, I wanted to know some simple biohacks he has found that most in his field are overlooking, and why they are important to implement in our daily lives.

Anthony explains that for a lot of biohackers (and others) it is easy to focus on minutiae. People are missing seeing the big picture. For example, we're missing time in nature, and it's the very thing that will counteract our ever-growing digital exposure. Rather than buy the latest blue-blocking glasses take a step back and look at your environment: where do you spend your time?

Our cells see a very different world than we see: they are impacted by things like the smart meters attached to our houses. In fact, most people don't even know what a smart meter is!

He says we don't have to chase every little biohack that crosses our Instagram feed. Instead, it's more about paying attention to all the things that impact our energy, things like how much sunlight we have in our day, how much time in nature we have versus how much time we spend with our technology. It's not just what we see or what we put in our mouth.

How to Avoid Common Mistakes When Choosing a Supplement

Another topic Anthony and I cover is choosing supplements: I asked him what common mistakes people are making in their choices and how he recommends finding the best supplements for yourself.

He definitely understands there are so many supplements out there that it can become an overwhelming process. The truth is very few are actually quality products. A quality supplement means having the right active ingredients, and the right amount of those ingredients, while not having other unnecessary ingredients in there.

A common mistake people make is what he calls the spaghetti approach. Many people try many things to see what will stick, like throwing a bunch of spaghetti against the wall to see which noodles stick! It doesn't work.

Instead, he recommends looking at the source of information you are getting. A lot of studies are funded by companies that have an interest in the outcome so be sure the information you are getting is not from that type of study.

He also suggests looking at the quantity used in the study: what are the dosage and what is the frequency of that dosage? Be sure you follow suit or you won't get the results you are looking for.

And finally he says self-testing is next. To do this it is helpful to tap into a community that is doing the same type of experiments on themselves and have the same level of commitment to their health that you have. The more you are surrounded by people with similar passions the more it accelerates your growth and the faster you all learn from each other.

What Does His Average Day Look Like?

Because he's such a specimen of good health, I asked Anthony to share what his average day looks like. He says some days are better than others. He doesn't wake up every day and run and get in the ocean. Like the day we recorded this show he had a full, full schedule so he got up, did some pull-ups, took his empty-stomach supplements with some water infused with molecular hydrogen and then he got to work.

Other days he spends more time training, and a lot of his training is about building a bigger aerobic engine outside. He focuses on combining the benefits of breath work with sun exposure with aerobic training, even bringing a meditative component to it when it is a steady-state cardio workout.

He's also a big fan of coffee enemas: he feels more alive and vibrant when he does them regularly. Today he explains how he got started with these, and why they are such a great tool for detoxing (especially if you can't get to a detox retreat). We talk about the role glutathione plays in aiding our liver function, and why these enemas have been so useful for treating cancer.

We wrap up with his top three biohacks (ice baths, infrared saunas and ozone treatments), along with his thoughts on cryogenic therapy versus ice baths and what to expect when you pick up his book. You can hear the details on those topics when you join Anthony and me on episode 14 of BiOptimizers' Awesome Health.


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