Ep. 38: A Hundred Billion Dollar Hole
Why are Indian banks in so much trouble? Why have so many of their loans gone bad? How can the Government of India plug a $100B hole in the banking sector? In Episode 38 of the Pragati podcast, hosts Pavan Srinath and Hamsini Hariharan are joined by Narayan Ramachandran to unpack India's banking crisis. Narayan is the Chairman of RBL Bank, a former country head of Morgan Stanley, as well as a co-founder and fellow at the Takshashila Institution. He writes a regular column on Mint called A Visible Hand (https://www.livemint.com/Search/Link/Author/A%20Visible%20Hand%7C%20Narayan%20Ramachandran). Have any questions or follow up on the show? Write in at podcast@thinkpragati.com and your questions will be answered in future episodes. You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: https://goo.gl/tGYdU1 or iOS: https://goo.gl/sZSTU5 You can check out our website at http://www.ivmpodcasts.com/