XV. Saddam’s Regime: From Ba’athism to Salafism with Kyle Orton
Kyle Orton comes on the show to discuss Islam in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. Some of the topics covered include: Saddam’s Islamist foreign policy reorientation in the 1980’s The Faith Campaign after the Gulf War Salafism in Iraq in the 1990’s and its impact on security The rise of sectarianism in Iraq This episode also features a #SocialMedia segment covering jihadi social media postings from September 1st-16th. Recent articles by Kyle that are relevant to the discussion: Saddam and the Islamists, Part 2 | The Syrian Intifada A Response to Criticism: Why the Ex-Saddamists in the Islamic State Matter | The Syrian Intifada Izzat ad Douri and ISIS Saddam Loyalists Running ISIS Are True Believers, Not Secularists| National Review Online Links: The Syrian Intifada | a-shab yurid iskat an-nizam – Kyle’s personal site Kyle W. Orton (@KyleWOrton) | Twitter The podcast is produced by Karl Morand. If you have feedback you can email podcast@jihadology.net, or find us on Twitter: @JihadPod.