UCA News Summary of Third Week of April 2020
This week, most parts of Asia celebrated the Baisakhi New Year along with Easter amid the gloom of Covid-19. Last Monday, the day after the Easter, was New Year for millions of Asians. Both celebrations were subdued in most places because of lockdowns and restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. In Pakistan a message from Prime Minister Imran Khan urging Christians to stay at home during Easter faced criticism as he remained silent on Muslims defying social distancing norms and attending Friday prayers. In Bangladesh dozens of ruling party members and government officials were arrested for stealing food grains meant for Covid-19 relief. In the neighbouring India, Covid-19 lockdown has increased the domestic abuse of women and children. India's state helpline recorded a 50 percent increase in calls in the first 11 days of the lockdown.Hospitals in Manila are reported to be running out of options of storing unclaimed bodies of the pandemic deaths. Pope Francis appointed Bishop Josep Maria Abella as the new bishop of Fukuoka diocese in Japan on April 14.In Singapore cases began to spiral suddenly with more than 400 cases reported on one day.This Easter Catholics in Sri Lanka have forgiven nine suicide bombers who blasted three churches in Sri Lanka along with three luxury hotels. Presented by John Laurenson and produced by Binu Alex