Episode 4 - Our first guest for real this time
Hello everyone and welcome to this 4th episode of the Motorcycle Men. Today, broadcasting from the Central command center in Cranford New Jersey, the Motomen welcomed our first guest, Mr. Lex Hamilton to the microphone. Lex is a fellow rider in the area and good friend of the Motorcycle Men. We covered lots of ground today, much of which I do not recommend you navigate without some sort of appropriate footwear. There was quite a bit of engaging conversation and banter on many topics from rides, accidents, bikes, gear and ultimately down to "Truth or DILLIGAF". Lots of funny stuff you won't want to miss. Please note, there were some foul words spoken on today's episode so you might want to keep the little ones out of the room when you are listening. AND if you are offended by curse words I suggest you do not listen to this episode.
Please visit out links page for a listing of all the sites and gear talked about on the show and don't forget to vote on the song of the week on our home page. Visit our Special Guests page to learn more about our guest and by all means please drop us a line and let us know how you feel out our show.
One brief note: There will not be an episode next week as I will be vacationing in Key West. We will resume again in two weeks with more fun and goofy stuff as we prepare for the riding season.
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