Concord Couch Concerts - A Rough Demo by Danny Hauger
In a simple recording session, I reflected on some thoughts of appreciation and frustration, that melded together to create this song. It's a combination I rarely right in, and I am surprised that I actually stuck in the studio tonight to take it from stanza to song demo, I hope you enjoy it, and I am grateful for the chance to appear in several Couch Concerts, thanks to the coordinators, and everyone who has been supporting my music, before, during, and since! Also, thanks to all 250k+ of you who have downloaded my free music for the world project over the last decade plus, you're amazing!
“Couch Concerts”
We’re playing a concert series, called couch concerts.
Nobody’s dressing up much, travelling.
We’re longing to see, people talking over us.
While we try and explain the origins of our music.
I’m getting my house ready, for a couch concert.
Its just my wife and me, and she’s not watching.
My daughter’s three, she knows nothing here.
And it’s the best way to traverse time, when a year can disappear.
We’d hope to be back soon, on stages in Concord.
Maybe make a trip across the bay, for an hour and a hot dog, as pay
We’ve never met before,
And we applaud each other,
And pre-recorded smiles must count f or more than ever before.
I wonder what Billie Joe must think from 20 miles away, is this the Gilman street dream, or a Contra Costa fevered sleep?
The best part of the year, was a Couch Concert,
A stranger supported my music, on Couch Concerts,
I felt part of the East Bay, on Couch Concerts,
I wanted to get out again, on Couch Concerts
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