S1E4 - Episode 4 - It Just Sucks, You Know?
Jason struggles with yet another unsuccessful job interview. It sometimes feels like nothing goes right, but he’s glad to have such a nice boyfriend.
Written by Erin Kyan Produced by Passer Vulpes Productions Recorded by Kermie Breydon Kane voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne Jason voiced by Erin Kyan Credits voiced by Roslyn Quin
Cover art by Soufex Parsons Cope: http://soufexdraws.tumblr.com/
Transcript of this episode: https://www.loveandluckpodcast.com/transcripts-blog/2018/11/9/episode-4-it-just-sucks-you-know Captioned video of this episode: https://youtu.be/pJqsQuho4UY
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