#18 - Dr. Ken Miller - Science Denial, Free Will, and Finding Common Ground Between God and Evolution
This week Brendan sits down with Dr. Ken Miller. Dr. Miller is a Professor of Biology at Brown University and is also one of the foremost advocates for science education specifically as it applies to Evolution. He was the expert witness in the famous Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District case where he challenged the school board's mandate to incorporate intelligent design into the curriculum. He is the author of the popular books Finding Darwin's God (A Scientist's Search for Common Ground between God and Evolution), Only a Theory (Evolution and the Battle for America's Soul), and recently The Human Instinct (How we Evolved to Have Reason, Consciousness, and Free Will). Be sure to support the show by leaving a rating or a review and subscribing to receive future content. Consider becoming a Patron by donating to the show on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/thestateoftheuniverse. For more episodes or information about "The State of The Universe with Brendan Drachler" visit thestateoftheuniverse.com or follow Brendan on Twitter and Instagram @BrendanDrachler. The State of the Universe is an accessible science and social podcast hosted by Astrophysicist Brendan Drachler. Listen to Brendan and other renowned members of society discuss and explain cutting edge research and profound ideas.