#10 - Dr. Sam Sternberg - CRISPR, GMO's, and Bioethics
Samuel H. Sternberg, PhD, is a protein-RNA biochemist and CRISPR expert. He runs a research laboratory at Columbia University, where he is assistant professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics. He is the co-author, along with Jennifer Doudna, of A Crack in Creation, a popular science book about the discovery, development, and applications of CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology. For more episodes or information about "The State of The Universe with Brendan Drachler" visit thestateoftheuniverse.com or follow Brendan on Twitter and Instagram @BrendanDrachler. The State of the Universe is an accessible science and social podcast hosted by Astrophysicist Brendan Drachler. Listen to Brendan and other renowned members of the scientific community discuss and explain the cutting edge research occurring across the world today!