Herbs For Physical Challenges (What Ryn Took To MovNat Level 3)

Earlier this month, Ryn attended a Level 3 certification event for MovNat – a 4-day course/test/immersion in natural movement. It was quite the challenge! On this week’s episode, we talk about all the herbs he took to prepare beforehand and the ones he brought along to help him get through. If you want to work with herbs for physical challenges in your own life – whether that’s an intense sporting event, or a job or lifestyle that’s physically demanding – these might help you, too!

Mentioned in this episode:

  • Pumpkin Playtime: An Outdoor Adventure – coming up on October 19 & 20! Join us for a weekend of forest movement skills: learn to move quietly, quickly, and confidently over uneven terrain while you protect your precious pumpkin. Your weekend includes paleo meals, comfy camping, and of course, herbal medicine too!
  • The Holistic Herbalism Podcast Episode 44: Empty Nests & Challenges – In the second half of this episode, Ryn reflected on the MovNat Immersion he attended in 2018, and shared some lessons he [re]learned there about challenge, adaptability, and seeing the complex context.
  • Our Go-To Joint Liniment – it’s a lifesaver!

And here are all the herbs & preparations we discussed:

  • supplements: reishi, ginkgo, chlorophyll
  • teas:
    • EVRY DAY YEAH: jiaogulan, goji, cedar, sage, ginger, licorice
    • demulcent blend: marshmallow, cinnamon, fennel
  • chewroots: calamus, sol’seal, licorice
  • tinctures:
    • ginger-chamomile
    • blackberry root
    • wuggy guts: peach leaf, ginger, ground ivy
    • STIMULANT: kola nut, guarana, eleuthero, ginkgo, ginger, prickly ash
    • Herbal Medics echinacea mix
    • Herbal Medics Cold & Flu formula: yarrow, elderflower, boneset, echinacea mix, prickly ash
  • antiseptic spray: propolis, berberine mix (barberry root, Oregon grape root & leaf), yarrow, cedar EO
  • “red salve” (HM sprain & strain): comfrey, juniper, prickly ash, cayenne, black cohosh, lobelia, arnica, meadowsweet, horsetail
  • joint liniment: (sol’seal, st j, alder, cayenne, lobelia, clove EO)

As always, please subscribe, rate, & review our podcast wherever you listen, so others can find it more easily. Thank you!!

Our theme music is “Wings” by Nicolai Heidlas.

Have you seen our newest online course offering? If you want to learn more about how to manage cold & flu with herbs and holistic strategies, this is for you! Herbal Remedies for Cold & Flu teaches you everything you need to know to conquer a cold or fight off the flu. We teach you how to work with herbs that are safe and effective for all aspects of the illness. Throughout, the focus is on finding ways to support what your body is already trying to do as it works to restore balance. Winter is coming, so get ready now!

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