7b. The Protean
This is part 2/2 of our conversation with Hera Hussain. We explore the following broad questions in this episode - How are Startups and social enterprises similar and different? The thing that stands out is the need to drive productivity and having a tight feedback loop that gets integrated into the product that is being built. Chayn works on a more, feet on the ground approach where solutions are being crafted for survivors, by survivors. It is unlike an academic study where an established academician comes up with a thesis that is then modified and studied by the people it is intended to serve. Chayn has worked things the other way round and the solutions(crafted by survivors) are being presented to other people to study it and make it better. How do you handle time? "I handle time by being self aware. I know when I have too much on my plate and tend to drop stuff or I do not take up new projects. Whenever there is work for me to do, I make sure I do it at the time of the day that I am most productive, do things in bursts, compartmentalize my day, work out of a new cafe or corner in the house because it what works for me." 2 years into Chayn, Hera realized the need to take a break during the week. She emphasises the difference she feels due to the "day off" she gives herself. Accountibility, power getting to head, self-awareness, importance of self care, being open minded and receptive to feedback. Importance of empathy, especially with people one disagrees with. When disagreeing with someone, ensure to see things from their perspective. This is especially important given what Chyan is doing, helping women get out of abusive relationships. It is the first step towards making things better. Aspire for a win-win situation not just a "win" situation! Importance of a strong personal and professional support system. Employers have been extremely receptive and open to projects not just because it helps Hera to get additional exposure and skills but also because if she's fulfilled personally, she would be able to contribute better professionally. The family was initially sceptic of Chayn but they eventually came around once they started to see the impact of Chayn's work. Identification and participation in communities that align with goals. Hera follower her curiosity and jointed communities from entreprenuership to tech. Join communities to not only get back but also give something to the community. Parasites are bad for communities. Chayn builds effective communities by - a. Making the right people join b. Helping them in the first few weeks c. Quick task assignment d. Co-working and related sessions e. Providing a distraction if they are looking for one f. Aligning people to a common purpose and strategy Advise for people who are trying something new or diving into their passion? Be honest with yourself, maintain grit, never lose your purpose, remember why you are doing this. Recorded at - Newspeak House, Shoreditch, United Kingdom. Find out more - Hera's TEDx talk - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJGAgQzmG3E https://chayn.co/ https://www.technologyreview.com/lists/innovators-under-35/2018/humanitarian/hera-hussain/ https://www.forbes.com/profile/hera-hussain/#735c7c752e5e https://www.pointsoflight.gov.uk/chayn/ Follow The Passion People Podcast on Twitter You can follow us and leave us feedback on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @eplogmedia, For advertising/partnerships send you can send us an email at bonjour@eplog.media. If you like this show, please subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts, so other people can find us. You can also find us on https://www.eplog.media/thepassionpeoplepodcast DISCLAIMER: The views expressed on all the shows produced and distributed by Ep.Log Media are personal to the host and the guest of the shows respectively and with no intention to harm the sentiments of any individual/organization. The said content is not obscene or blasphemous or defamatory of any event and/or person deceased or alive or in contempt of court or breach of contract or breach of privilege, or in violation of any provisions of the statute, nor hurt the sentiments of any religious groups/ person/government/non-government authorities and/or breach or be against any declared public policy of any nation or state. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.