The Royal Biker
Royal Brothers Discount Coupon!!! - RBABHIPOD10 - 10% You may find somebackground noise due to the recording location, I trust it would add to the overall feel of the episode :) "My passion to travel manifested with my mobility start-up, Royal Brothers where we're disrupting the way people move within and across cities on motorbikes." An impression was created when dad elaborated on the responsibility of having familes who's livelihood is dependant on working at our farms. It made a huge impact and to this day, the responsibility having employees depend on the Company has been a big factor during any decision making process. The summer vacations were filled with business learnings ranging from stationary to footware that nudged Abhishek towards Entreprenuership from an early age. An evident perspective shift is observed with the clarity that Abhishek brings to the table with an early attempt at starting a Graphic Design Company with an old friend with good traction. "What will happen if I fail? What wil they think?" It is interesting to note how Abhishek handled set-backs and thought about the worst case scenarios. The willingess to fail and the strength to perservere is strongly corelated to the ability to take a high risk/reward bet. "Shed the inhibition of what would others think, because it is about you, not about others." The kind of effort and research that is put around learning business aspects of Finance, Operations, Taxation and Competition shows the kind of work, knowledge and connections one requires to set up and run a potentially large organization. When we're planning something new, it would help to keep in mind the kind of large scale endeavour that we're embaring on so we don't get fatigued on our way. There is no such thing as an overnight success. It's easy to see people or organizations from the outside and consider them lucky without knowing the kind of work that has been put for that organization or individual to reach that level. Insted, it would make an impact if an attempt is made to figure out what it takes for our us to get there and start taking the required steps. We need to be inspired enough to come to work everyday regardless of whether we profit or not. Work forms a large part of our day and it is important how we think and experience it that is where Abhishek feels that building a fun team and a great environment to work is crucial. Follow The Passion People Podcast on Twitter You can follow us and leave us feedback on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @eplogmedia, For advertising/partnerships send you can send us an email at If you like this show, please subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts, so other people can find us. You can also find us on DISCLAIMER: The views expressed on all the shows produced and distributed by Ep.Log Media are personal to the host and the guest of the shows respectively and with no intention to harm the sentiments of any individual/organization. The said content is not obscene or blasphemous or defamatory of any event and/or person deceased or alive or in contempt of court or breach of contract or breach of privilege, or in violation of any provisions of the statute, nor hurt the sentiments of any religious groups/ person/government/non-government authorities and/or breach or be against any declared public policy of any nation or state. See for privacy information.