Season 2 - Preview and Crossover Special
In this episode we give you an update of what is in the works and give you a behind the scenes look at what happens when a bunch of podcasters meet. We are with the very special and amazing Saif Omar from The Musafir Stories Podcast and Shankar and Vishnu from the Writer and Geek Show. Tune in to find out more and listen to our guests, visit - The Musafir Stories - Writer and Geek Show - Season 2 of Passion People Podcast will be back in just 2 weeks! Hang in there, folks! :) Note - Due to some technical difficulties you may observe some variation in the sound quality of the episode after 11 minutes. Follow The Passion People Podcast on Twitter You can follow us and leave us feedback on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @eplogmedia, For advertising/partnerships send you can send us an email at If you like this show, please subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts, so other people can find us. You can also find us on DISCLAIMER: The views expressed on all the shows produced and distributed by Ep.Log Media are personal to the host and the guest of the shows respectively and with no intention to harm the sentiments of any individual/organization. The said content is not obscene or blasphemous or defamatory of any event and/or person deceased or alive or in contempt of court or breach of contract or breach of privilege, or in violation of any provisions of the statute, nor hurt the sentiments of any religious groups/ person/government/non-government authorities and/or breach or be against any declared public policy of any nation or state. See for privacy information.