#150: Can I Stop Being a Control Freak Mom? With Crystal Paine
Today, author and podcaster Crystal Paine—you know her as the Money Saving Mom on Instagram—shares candidly about the day she found out her child was a bully, was being expelled from school, and was depressed and suicidal. Sitting in an emergency room with her husband and child, it felt like the world was crumbling around her. Maybe you’ve been there?
Well, that experience was the jarring, life-altering catalyst she needed to dig in and transform her parenting philosophy. And in doing so, it transformed her relationships with God and her whole family.
Let’s face it, there is so much we can’t control when it comes to parenting and actually, all our relationships. But on this episode, Crystal will give you four choices you can control that will help you make a shift. And, you know what else you will get? Hope.
SHOW NOTES: 413podcast.com/150