AJSM December 2017 Podcast: Segond Fractures Are Not a Risk Factor for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Failure

Segond fractures may be identified when an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear is diagnosed and likely represent an avulsion of the anterolateral ligament. It is currently unclear whether these fractures can be ignored at the time of ACL reconstruction or if they should be addressed surgically. Patients with a Segond fracture are at no higher risk to require revision ACL reconstruction compared with patients without a Segond fracture. This may be attributable to its high union rate. At the time of primary ACL reconstruction, if a Segond fracture is identified, it can be ignored (not repaired or reconstructed), and this approach does not appear to predispose to early ACL graft failure.   Click here to read the article.

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