Future of Agriculture 033: Agricultural Trucking a Transportation with Jared Flinn of BulkLoads.com

On today’s episode of the Future of Agriculture Podcast, my guest, Jared Flinn, is the founder and operating partner of Bulk Loads. His site provides an online platform that connects shippers with the transportation companies. Jared graduated with a minor in agricultural economy, but wasn’t sure what he wanted to do with his credentials. He started working as a truck driver and grew to love all the aspects of the industry and eventually moved into shipping logistics in the agriculture sector. His passion for the trade inspired his vision of connecting companies and shippers, and so Bulk Loads was born. Jared started his venture without knowing whether it would be successful, but he persevered and created a sustainable and profitable business which addressed and solved clients’ pain points. On today’s show, you’ll hear his thoughts, wisdom, and advice about taking ideas and building a business in agricultural and transportation space.  “You have to have the commodities to trade, but behind that you have to have the efficient supply chain to get it through.” – Jared Flinn This Week on The Future of Agriculture Podcast: Jared shares his story about the route he took after he graduated from university. He tells us how he found the industry’s pain points and turned that into his success. Jared shares the best life and work advice he received and took to heart. We talk about how the industry has changed for transportation entrepreneurs. Jared explains how he strikes a balance with his business model. He gives us an idea about his marketing techniques. Jared shares his story about starting the company despite the resistance he met from other businesses. He reveals his thoughts on Donald Miller’s message and how it relates to business. We talk about the future of the transportation industry. Jared talks about how he caters to his customer base.   Mentioned in the Show:   Donald Miller     Connect With Jared Flinn: Bulk Loads website Smart Freight Funding Call Jared at 800-518-9240    Share the Ag-Love! Thanks for joining us on the Future of Agriculture Podcast – your spot for valuable information, content, and interviews with industry leaders throughout the agricultural space! If you enjoyed this week’s episode, please subscribe on iTunes and leave your honest feedback. Don’t forget to share it with your friends on your favorite social media spots! Learn more about AgGrad by visiting: AgGrad Website AgGrad on Twitter AgGrad on Facebook AgGrad on LinkedIn AgGrad on Instagram

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