Ep. 26: Q for Quarantine Part 2
Continuing the quarantine series, this episode has Sunetro and Farhad discuss the could-be's, would-be's and should be's of living life under lockdown. What does this lockdown mean psychologically, sexually and socially for us as individuals and a community? Tune in to find out! You can follow Farhad on his instagram handle: @theqr8r(https://www.instagram.com/theqr8r/?hl=en) You can follow Sunetro on his instagram handle: @glitterbugged(https://www.instagram.com/glitterbugged/?hl=en) You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app. You can check out our website at http://www.ivmpodcasts.com